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Hetherington, Alfred (I70)

His second marriage(?) to Margaret Pawlett meant he gained valuable property in Middlesex.

Francis is listed in the Biblioteca Cornubiensis, 1874.
Francis paid 10 pounds towards a fund for building the front gate with a tower over it, and the buildings between it and the hall.
Register of Exeter College 
Paynter (first of Boskenna), Francis (I1)
TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS The Prince of Wales, REGENT Of the United Kingdoms of Great Britain & Ireland. We, the undersigned NOBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN. CLERGY, FREEHOLDERS, and other INHABITANTS of the COUNTY of CORNWALL, feel it to be our Duty to repeat to your ROYAL HIGHNESS the assurances of our loyal and unalterable Attachment; and to express our Indignation at, and Abhorrence of, the late treasonable Attack upon the Sacred Person of your Royal Highness. As faithful Subjects, strongly attached to our PRINCE ; as Englishmen, proud in the possession of a glorious CONSTITUTION: we are as eager to shield the one from Insult and Violence, as we are to protect the other from Innovation or Subversion. At the present momentous Crisis of Public Affairs, we feel ourselves imperiously railed upon by what we owe to our Country, and our Prince, to enter a solemn Protest against the whole Tenor and Substance of an address purporting to be an Address of the “Gentry, Clergy, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County of Cornwall," which appears by the Public Prints to have been resolved upon at a Meeting held at Bodmin, on the eleventh day of March last, by the Individuals then and there assembled. We are anxious to repel from ourselves the charge of Discontent and Insubordination, to which the spirit of its language must necessarily expose us; and to condemn as groundless and absurd, and to disavow with warmth, that wild and feverish sentiment which declares the temporary and short Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, to be "a part of a Systematic Conspiracy to overthrow the existing Laws and Constitution, and to establish in their stead, and on their ruins, a despotic and military Government." We have witnessed with sorrow, and contemplated with alarm, a spirit of Disaffection and Treason, pervading many parts of the British Empire, owing its birth to the temporary difficulties and distresses which have oppressed the Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce of the Kingdom, and its growth and dissemination, to the artful efforts of designing Traitors, deluded Patriots, and mistaken Reformers. We regard the unanimous Testimony of the Committees of the Lords and Commons as to the existence of these traitorous Conspiracies, as affording to us more than an adequate Proof of their reality, which has been but too well con- firmed by the rash attempts of the Conspirators themselves. Relying, as we do, on the Wisdom and Integrity of the Parliament of this happily united Kingdom, we can neither question the policy, or doubt the necessity, of those measures, which in full and solemn Council, it has thought expedient to adopt ; and which, by a temporary suspension of a part, is intended to ensure the permanent Security of the whole of that fundamental System of Laws, which has so long blessed this happy Land with prosperity, its Government with stability, and its Individuals with a full measure of rational liberty.
Names and Residence.
Francis Paynter, St Columb Major
John P. Paynter, R.N., St Columb Major
Charles H. Paynter, St Columb Major
William Mounsteven, Surgeon, St Columb Major

Will of father Francis Paynter, 9 July 1819.
Francis’ will requests that he be buried “as near as conveniently may be to the remains of my late beloved wife.” Margaret had died only the year before. He asked that his funeral “be private and conducted with as little expense as common decency will admit of.”
Francis states that he has already made liberal provision for his son Francis Camborne Paynter, with which “he has declared himself fully satisfied.” He was to be given a further sum of twenty guineas as a mark of his father’s “affection and regard.” Also to his wife Elizabeth, five guineas, and two guineas for his grandson Edward* “to be laid out in some article of remembrance.”
Francis states that he has spent two thousand pounds on his son Charles Henry Paynter, plus an annual sum of two hundred and fifty pounds for his personal expenses. Francis says that “I cannot consistently with the justice and duty which I owe to my other children, increase his fortune to a further extent.” However, Charles is to be given two hundred pounds by his executor within six months of his decease, but without interest. His wife Fanny is to be given “five guineas as a mark of my regard and affection.”
To his sons John Pender Paynter and Thomas Francis Paynter, he leaves all his shares in Whele Vor [normally spelt Wheal, meaning Mine] in the parish of Breage and near Helston, and also one near Redruth, and another at Polgooth near St Austle [(normally spelt AUSTELL]. After his death they would become tenants in common, not joint tenants of these shares.
John Pender Paynter was bequeathed the house where Francis lived, called Trekenning in the parish of St Columb Major. This also included all the fields and inclosures and crofts. John is also left enclosures called Castalot or Creggoes, and the meadow that faces the front of the house Trekenning called the Mill Meadow. Also the remainder of his farm in the Garden Meadow.
Thomas Francis Paynter was left Dunkans Meadow, now divided into two fields and the inclosure called Bolithos Field, now divided into three fields in the parish of Saint Columb. Thomas was also left the dwelling house and garden in Higher Trekenning which was rented out for three pounds thirteen shillings and six pence annually. Thomas was also given an annuity of 50 pounds which was rent paid annually by the Reverend Pomeroy Gilbert on the tithes of the Parish of St Wennin. Thomas was also given the benefits of an insurance policy from the Westminster Office for Insurance of Lives and Survivorship. Lastly he was to be paid by the executor two hundred pounds within one year of he father’s death.
All the goods, chattels etc. were bequeathed to John Pender Paynter.
*Edward died in June 1821 at age 4.

Bishop Carey’s Replies to Queries about Diocese of Exeter, 1821, Volume I, Cornwall. I have paraphrased the questions.
1. Number of families in the Parish? - 271.
2. Are there any Papists or Dissenters? What kind or denomination? THERE ARE NO PAPISTS, THE ONLY DISSENTERS ARE METHODISTS. What teachers of each are resident in the parish, or occasionally visiting it? Are they licensed? What places do they meet? THEY HAVE ONE RESIDENT PREACHER AND FOURTEEN OTHERS ATTEND IN ROTATION. THERE ARE FOUR PLACES OF PUBLIC MEETING, ALL LICENSED.
3. Do you reside in your Benefice, and in the proper house of residence? If not, for what reason? I DO NOT, THERE BEING NO PLACE OF RESIDENCE.
4. If you do not reside, do you have a Curate resident? I DO NOT HAVE A CURATE.
5. If you have more than one Benefice, what is it? By whom is it served? I HAVE THE PERPETUAL CURACY OF ST CRANTOCK, SERVED BY MYSELF.
6. Do you perform Divine Service at any church besides your own? I PERFORM DIVINE SERVICE AT BOTH CHURCHES.
7. Is Divine Service performed in your church twice every Sunday, with a sermon in the morning? DIVINE SERVICE IS PERFORMED ONCE ONLY EVERY SUNDAY, AT 11 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING AND 3 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON ALTERNATELY. I SERVE TWO CHURCHES.
8. What provision is there for religious instruction for the youth, publicly or privately? NONE.
9. How often and what times do you catechise the youth of your parish? FROM TRINITY SUNDAY UNTIL MICHAELMAS AS OFTEN AS DIVINE SERVICE IS PERFORMED IN THE AFTERNOON.
10. How often is the sacrament of communion administered? What number attend? DURING THE YEAR I HAVE ADMINISTERED COMMUNION SIX TIMES, TO GENERALLY 25 TO 30 COMMUNICANTS.
11. Are there any benefactions for the use of the church or the poor? Under what management? Are they properly applied? Are they abused or used fraudulently? THERE IS A BENEFACTION OF 18/6 FOR A SERMON TO BE PREACHED ON ST JOHN BAPTIST’S DAY, WHEN THE SUM OF 2 POUNDS IS ANNUALLY DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE POOR BY TRUSTEES APPOINTED UNDER THE WILL OF THE DONOR. THERE ARE NO ABUSES IN THE DISTRIBUTION.
12. Are there any alms houses, hospitals or charitable endowments? Are they properly managed? Have you a parochial library? NONE.
13. Is you residence in good repair? THERE IS NO HOUSE OF RESIDENCE. Are your church and chapel in good repair? THE CHURCH AND CHANCEL ARE IN GOOD REPAIR. Is your church-yard well kept? YES, BUT IS MUCH TOO SMALL FOR THE POPULATION. Have you all things for Divine Service? I HAVE ALL THINGS I NEED.
14. Have you a terrier of the glebe lands, houses, etc.? I HAVE.
15. Have you any chapel within your parish? NO.
16. Have you met with any difficulties in the discharge of your duty? NO.
1. Number of families in the Parish? - 73.
2. Are there any Papists or Dissenters? What kind or denomination? What teachers of each are resident in the parish, or occasionally visiting it? Are they licensed? What places do they meet? THE METHODISTS HAVE TWO PUBLIC MEETINGS, NEITHER OF WHICH IS LICENSED. THEY HAVE NO RESIDENT TEACHER.
3. Do you reside in your Benefice, and in the proper house of residence? If not, for what reason? I DO NOT, THERE BEING NO PLACE OF RESIDENCE.
4. If you do not reside, do you have a Curate resident? I DO NOT HAVE A CURATE.
5. If you have more than one Benefice, what is it? By whom is it served? I HAVE THE PERPETUAL CURACY OF ST CRANTOCK, SERVED BY MYSELF.
6. Do you perform Divine Service at any church besides your own? I PERFORM DIVINE SERVICE AT BOTH CHURCHES.
7. Is Divine Service performed in your church twice every Sunday, with a sermon in the morning? If not, state the reason. What are the hours? DIVINE SERVICE IS PERFORMED ONCE ONLY EVERY SUNDAY, AT 11 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING AND 3 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON ALTERNATELY. I SERVE TWO CHURCHES.
8. What provision is there for religious instruction for the youth, publicly or privately? THERE IS A SUNDAY SCHOOL KEPT BY THE PARISH CLERK.
9. How often and what times do you catechise the youth of your parish? FROM TRINITY SUNDAY UNTIL MICHAELMAS AS OFTEN AS DIVINE SERVICE IS PERFORMED IN THE AFTERNOON.
11. Are there any benefactions for the use of the church or the poor? Under what management? Are they properly applied? Are they abused or used fraudulently? THERE IS A BENEFACTION OF 10/6 TO THE CURATE FOR A SERMON TO BE PREACHED ON 27 DECEMBER, ON WHICH DAY THE SUM OF 1 POUND IS DISTRIBUTED TO THE POOR BY TRUSTEES APPOINTED UNDER THE WILL OF THE DONOR. THERE ARE NO ABUSES IN THE DISTRIBUTION.
12. Are there any alms houses, hospitals or charitable endowments? Are they properly managed? Have you a parochial library? NONE.
13. Is you residence in good repair? THERE IS NO HOUSE OF RESIDENCE. Are your church and chapel in good repair? .Is your church-yard well kept? THE CHURCH, CHANCEL AND CHURCHYARD ARE IN GOOD REPAIR, EXCEPTING THE VESTRY ROOM, WHICH IS REPAIRED BY THE IMPROPRIATOR, TO WHOSE AGENT I HAVE REPEATEDLY, BUT IN VAIN, APPLIED Have you all things for Divine Service? I HAVE ALL THINGS I NEED.
14. Have you a terrier of the glebe lands, houses, etc.? I HAVE.
15. Have you any chapel within your parish? NO.
16. Have you met with any difficulties in the discharge of your duty? NO.

Deed. 16 April 1838:
Charles Henry Paynter late of the parish of St Columb Minor, now of the Island of Jersey, clerk, and Fanny his wife, heretofore Fanny Peter, spinster. Refers to a “certain Indenture bearing the date eighteenth day of September 1818 made between John Peter of the first part, the said Charles Henry Paynter of the second part, the said Fanny Paynter (then Fanny Peter, spinster) of the third part and William Peter* and Robert Bateman Paul** of the fourth part, being the Settlement made previously to and in contemplation of the Marriage then intended and shortly afterwards had and solemnised between the said Charles Henry Paynter and Fanny Paynter his now wife.
It was amongst things in the said Indenture that a certain sum of Two thousand pounds Capital Bank Stock therein stated to be then standing in the name of the said William Peter should be forthwith transferred in the Book or Books kept for that purpose at the Bank of England into the names of the said William Peter and Robert Bateman Paul their executors administrators and assigns and that the said sum of Two thousand pounds Bank Stock” etc.
Not more than half of the Trust Estate or Monies “for the placing out or advancement in the world or otherwise for the preferment or benefit of any Child or Children of the said intended Marriage when and in such manner as the said John Peter, Charles Henry Paynter and Fanny his wife should see fit.”
“And whereas of a certain Indenture bearing date on or about the eleventh day of May 1837 made between the said Charles Henry Paynter and Fanny his wife of the first part and the said William Peter and Robert Bateman Paul of the second part and Francis Camborne Paynter*** Gentleman and William Merifield Gentleman of the third part” this deed replaces William Peter and Robert Bateman Paul with Francis Camborne Paynter and William Merifield as Trustees.
Mentions “John Peter died in or about the year 1830.”
“And whereas the said Charles Henry Paynter and Fanny his wife being desirous of raising the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for the advancement in the world of John Bateman Paynter their eldest son.”
Charles and Fanny “sold and disposed of the sum of seventy five pounds Capital Bank Stock … which has produced the sum of one hundred and fifty four pounds sterling.
“Francis Camborne Paynter and William Merifield shall fortieth pay John Bateman Paynter their son the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for and towards his advancement in life.”
Receipt dated 25 April 1838 is pinned to deed. The Deed is in the Cornwall Record Office, part of the Whitford papers (legal firm long associated with the Paynter family in St Columb Major).
* Fanny’s uncle?
** Fanny’s cousin
*** Charles’ brother 
Paynter, Charles Henry (I402)
Sash Chapman became engaged to Tom Keogh in 2020 ?  
KEOGH, Thomas (I403)
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